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Galatea de Miguel de Cervantes traducida por Erica Baum  In the states of love, no one becomes perfect, but the honest and secret. To reach the soft taste of love, if you get it right, the secret is the door, and honesty the key. And who presumes to be discreet, don't know this entrance! but the honest and secret. Loving human beauty is usually reproved , if such love is not measured with reason and honesty. And love of such quality then it reaches, indeed, to whom is honest and secret. It is already a proven case, cannot be denied, that sometimes the speech loses, what silence gains. And whoever is in love, will never be in trouble, if it is honest and secret. While the chattering tongue and the bold eyes usually cause thousand rages  and put the soul in the dark, more decreases the pain  and frees from that bind, whom is honest and secret. *** Imágen: " Galtea " by Flaminia Rossi

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